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Aleppo For Life

One of the most destructive effects of poverty and war is its negative effect on children’s rights to basic education. Illiteracy affects over 50% of the Syrian population, as millions of children and young adults have totally or partially missed out on going to school during over a decade of war, international sanctions, and the recent pandemic and earthquake. Even if public education is free, it is out of reach for many.

Aleppo For Life is our program we promote together with the Blue Maristes, a group of volunteers active in Aleppo for decades, which focuses on providing literacy and quality education for at-risk young people attending state schools, and vocational or university courses.

  • Education is the key to the future for those affected by years of hardship and trauma.
  • The opportunity to study can be a motivation not to emigrate abroad.
  • The danger of indoctrination to the less educated is still very real.
  • Young girls and boys can equally hope for a better future that includes skills like digital literacy and foreign languages.
  • Only the opportunity to study can bring peace and a brighter future.

Aleppo For Life - Studying in Syria

Aleppo For Life - Education

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