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What is Crete For Life?

Crete for Life ODV is an independent, non-profit organization registered in Italy since 2006. Listed in the RUNTS registrar (n. 133548) – tax number 97412130581, it operates as a volunteer organization for the protection of children’s rights and does not discriminate based on race, gender, ethnicity, age, religion, or politics.


How did it start?

Crete For Life was started by the desire to share the benefits of the beautiful island of Crete with those less fortunate, particularly children, who are growing up in crisis.


What do you do?

Crete for Life runs practical projects to support children and young adults made vulnerable by war, illness, abuse and social or economic poverty and exclusion.


Where do you operate?

Recent wars, natural catastrophes and the unprecedented migration have widened the scope of our programs. Hosting the children affected by the Chernobyl Catastrophe from Belarus was the beginning of a chain of events: today our programs go from Belarus to Syria.


Why should I donate to Crete For Life?

Your donation, pooled with other support, will help us deliver critical aid and support to children and families during emergencies and within our different programs. Your generous contribution funds our work to improve children’s lives.


Are emergency projects by charities a palliative that carries more problems that it solves?

While emergency charity efforts may not be a perfect solution, they can be a vital part of a larger strategy to support children in need and work towards a better future.


How much of my donation will go toward programs?

On average 90% of all donations go to the children we help. Our running costs cover expenses such as insurance, internet, etc. For more details see our Annual Reports.


Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes, your donation is tax deductible if you are a tax payer in Italy, donating with this link or with Iban IT16 J030 6909 6061 0000 0103 715, and for USA and UK  donors (donating via Global Giving). Please contact us if you require more information.


Can I help to fundraise for Crete For Life?

Yes please! Visit our fundraise page for suggestions in organizing your fundraising event. You are also very welcome to fundraise online at our plateforms Donorbox and Global Giving. Contact us for instructions.


How can I volunteer?

Visit our Volunteer page

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