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Ramadan Amidst Ruins: 13 Years of War in Syria

This year, Ramadan marks the thirteenth anniversary of the war in Syria. This devastating conflict has left lasting scars on the country, altering the social fabric and touching every aspect of Syrian life, including the cherished traditions of Ramadan.

Traditionally, Ramadan is a time of communal activities like Iftar, Suhoor, Tarawih prayers, and family gatherings, offering an opportunity to strengthen bonds of love. But after 13 years of war, many families have been torn apart by forced displacement or economic migration in search of a better life.

These hardships, combined with the decline in citizens’ purchasing power, have stripped away much of the festive atmosphere of this holy month. Yet, amidst the ruins, the spirit of resilience and hope still flickers among the Syrian people, reminding us of their enduring strength.

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